Aluminum Solar Panel Stand

This one is from a friend of mine, but I wanted to add it to the site because I thought it was useful.   


These solar panels sure are handy, but there isn’t always a good  rock or tree to lean them on when you want to use them, and when they are present- they aren’t always the most sturdy solution.   Having a built-in solar panel stand would be great, and that’s exactly what he’s done here.


Pictured here is a stand that was easy to make using 3/4” aluminum thick angle from Home Depot.  There was a little bit of trial and error while making this (which explains the extra set of rivets in the solar panel frame that were used to cover the first set  of drilled holes), but eventually the end product was accomplished with the intended concept- a stand that folds up flush into the frame of the solar panel.


A small piece of the aluminum thick angle was cut and riveted in place inside the frame to provide a point to attach the legs with some screws, washers, and a locking nut.   The rest is pretty self explanatory, and this one is easy to do without too much measuring.